Katie gets toned online in 90 days!
SUCCESS STORY!!!!"For so long how I pictured my physical appearance in my head didn't match what I saw in the mirror. I knew I needed to make some lifestyle changes, but didn't know where to begin. I was a dancer in high school dancing competitively, for exercise, and for fun. It was easy to stay active while being part of a team, but going to grad school and then into a full time job it was hard to get back into that rhythm. After seeing my friend Baylie's results from her 90 day challenge, I knew the answer to my challenge was that I needed structure, education, and accountability to make the changes I desperately wanted to make. I wanted the tools to become a healthier, stronger version of myself. So I signed up for the April 90 day challenge, and spent most of the next three months following the rules, learning the moves, working out on my own, and slowly watching the changes take place. In the end I lost 5% body fat, 6.5 pounds, and 9 inches! I feel better, stronger, healthier, and more knowledgable about what it means to live a healthy life. And I can finally say that how I view myself in my head finally matches what I see in the mirror." - Katie To get more info on the 90 day challenge email us today at freighthousefitness@gmail.com