Faye transforms in 90 days

imageSUCCESS STORYAfter having baby #2, I found that my body had changed a lot more than it had after the first one; it took longer to get back in my old clothes and it was tougher to get my weight back down. Finally after about a year, I got my weight down to where I thought I should be, but I was still feeling unhappy with how my body looked and felt. Even though my weight was down, I didn't feel healthy or very fit, and my body fat percentage seemed pretty high for me, so I wanted to change that.My friend, Baylie had recently finished her first 90-day challenge, and she looked amazing! I thought if I could stick with it for 90-days and look even close to that, then why not give it a try?! I had also recently signed up for my first half marathon and thought this could kick-start my training, so really I had nothing to lose! My only concern was how it would disrupt work and home life with two kids. Fortunately, my husband, Jason encouraged and supported me in doing this; he has been great with taking care of the kids in the mornings so I could get my workouts in before work. We planned our weekly menus to fit my macros as much as possible and in the end I think our new routine worked really well.The 90-day challenge was tough some weeks, but it taught me a lot about how and what I should be eating. I didn't realize just how much snacking I did during the day and how it affected my body...even the smallest bites here and there add up! For me, learning about macros and portion sizes were key - I was definitely not eating nearly enough protein and way too many carbs (I love carbs). That, combined with lack of exercise weren't helping me be where I wanted to be. I met a good group of people at Freight House that helped keep me in check and made coming to workout more enjoyable...we even ran a few miles before bootcamp, which we continue to do. Even though I've traded in some sleep, the 90-day woke me up and I intend to stay awake!Thanks Freight House!FayeLost 9 lbs and 8% Body Fatimageimageimage

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