Rich Finds Freight House AND Results!


I was very lucky to find Freight House. By chance my office is down the street. Even then, I found the classes intimidating when I glanced inside. But when I saw the promotion for the 6-Week Challenge I thought, “why not?” – I’m glad I got over my initial trepidation.I’m not an athletic person, and exercise has never really come easy to me. I’m also terrible at following diets for more than a few weeks. But with the challenge, somehow, that didn’t actually matter at all. The diet was flexible, made sense, and was surprisingly easy to follow – I think this is because you actually feel better when you are hitting your macros (unlike some diets which seem to only afford temporary benefits and can make you feel anemic). The exercise program is aggressive but at least at first is only 30 minutes a day – I knew they were on to something when after only 2 weeks I felt better than I had years! In fact I extended the challenge to 12 weeks as soon as I started seeing results.For me I think this has affected a real change in my lifestyle – I think about what I eat, and what I’m doing to improve my health. I’d recommend this challenge to anybody that was trying to jump start a healthier lifestyle.

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