Katelin Rocks The Challenge and Gains So Much Confidence!


Before I found Freight House fitness I had been doing my own fitness thing for a while but there was one catalyst that changed everything. In college I studied abroad in Malaysia and became very ill. When I left the hospital, people began telling me how good I looked! Now, most of them did not know how sick I was, but it was still frustrating to be getting complemented on being distressingly ill. I decided then that I really needed to make a change. I didn’t want to be skinny, I wanted to be strong and I was going to do whatever it took.  I had a few different personal trainers over the years and had tried several programs and classes at multiple gyms. Most recently I had been doing a weight lifting program for women at my home gym. It was the same problem as usual, I had no self-confidence.  I would get too nervous to add on weight, I would not challenge myself, and if any little thing threw off the routine I would consider myself a failure and would just give up.I started coming to Freight House Fitness in early March 2018 because saw a Facebook add for their 6 weeks challenge and I thought it sounded interesting. It was close to work and there was no contract or obligation to continue once the challenge was over. Let’s get this straight, I failed miserably the first time around. I missed 3 weeks in the middle of the challenge because of complications related to my thoracic outlet syndrome and the removal of my wisdom teeth. Normally this is where I throw in the towel, but the trainers were so supportive and the sense of community was so strong I pushed through and finished the challenge. I didn’t finish the way I wanted, but I finished what I started!Fast forward to this past 6-week challenge and I was all in! At this point I have been going to 5 bootcamps or so a week and I was ready for more. Now I’m undoubtedly in the best shape of my life. The trainers helped me find alternatives for movements that might cause my thoracic outlet syndrome to flare up and I had practice using myfitnesspal to track my macros. I also gained a lot of respect for the owners during this time.  As a Research Scientist it was reassuring to hear Sean talk about insulin sensitivity and other biochemical aspects of fitness.  I won’t say it was easy. There were some days that were physically and mentally challenging, but I’m no longer afraid to add that extra weight to the barbell, to push my limits, or to do those extra burpees! My body is stronger than ever before and continuing to become more so on a weekly basis. My self-confidence is through the roof both in and out of the gym. I am excited for the next step in my fitness journey and to begin the newest “Beast Mode” challenge that Freight House has to offer.


After Photos by Layne Haley Photography!