Freight House has given me guidelines for healthier eating habits, coached me along the way with my workouts and given me daily encouragement to keep loving myself.



I joined freight house Fitness in January and I just want to say wow. I have had a desk job for over 25 years. I have joined gyms before with little to no results. Probably because I had no guidelines to follow and no encouragement from them. I’ve tried doing things on my own to get in better shape. Walking 3 miles daily. Riding my bicycle. Normal stuff. But no results.

I joined to make healthier life choices, to feel better in my own skin, to have more energy. I have accomplished that. My energy level is great. I get excited when I accomplish the little things like being able to actually run around the block (440) without running out of breath or having to stop and walk, or passing a personal record.

For me this journey has been about finding a healthIer me. Freight house has given me guidelines for healthier eating habits, coached me along the way with my workouts and given me daily encouragement to keep loving myself.

The results speak for themselves. I am 3 1/2 months into my membership and the results have surprised me. I am down 22 pounds, 4 dress sizes and over 7% body fat. And according to my most recent cholesterol screening I went from 238 to 171. My results may not be typical of everyone, but I am thankful a friend told me about Freight House Fitness. It has truly been a life changer.​

Bre Conn