Kathleen learned a new lifestyle in 90 days losing 7% bodyfat

kathleen before and after kathllen sidekathllen backSUCCESS STORY!

I recently decided it was time for a change; time to feel healthy and good about myself. I tried everything from yoga to kickboxing to cross fit 4-5x a week. Regardless of my good exercising and eating habits, it was the same story every time. Lose a few pounds and then plateau. I would get stuck in this rut of seeing no results. I started running 5Ks, 10Ks and even eventually worked my way up to half marathons, running a new race at least once every month. I felt healthier but still wasn't losing weight or seeing the results I truly wanted. I know that being healthy is not just about "losing weight". I have to constantly remind myself that "It's just a number…it's just a number!"
In the beginning, I was skeptical to try Freight House. First of all, I tried so many different gyms, what could possibly be so great about this one? Secondly, I live in Olathe, so the commute is 40 minutes without traffic. But let me tell you, after my first bootcamp class, I immediately was in love. Sean and Kendra made me feel so welcome and everyone was extremely encouraging regardless if i knew them or not. The classes were challenging, exciting and would totally kick your ass! I told myself this is where I needed to be. So, I immediately signed up for the 90-Day Challenge.
When I started the challenge, I thought to myself, "This better be worth it!" I have a pretty fast-paced life already, so the time, money, and dedication needed for the challenge was intimidating. But absolutely worth it! I stuck to the personalized meal plan Sean created and was working out 5x a week. I didn't start seeing results right away like others. Yes, it was a little discouraging but everyone is different. After about 3-4 weeks, my clothes started getting looser, my weight started dropping, I felt stronger, and I was actually feeling good about myself! Those Saturday morning weigh-ins were both terrifying and exciting all at the same time. My weight and body fat continued to steadily drop and once I started seeing results, it was addicting. Soon enough, I was going to classes twice a day and was really pushing myself harder and harder every single time.
This challenge was exactly what I needed to boost my confidence in the right direction. It really is the beginning of a lifestyle change for the better. If you stay dedicated and follow the challenge, I promise you will see the results you are seeking. Now that I've lost some extra fluff, I want to continue my journey of staying healthy, toning my body, and building my confidence. You can bet I'll be doing it at Freight House Fitness! I couldn't have done it without such a supportive group of people and of course, Sean and Kendra.
90 Days Later….
137 lbs to 126 lbs
24% body fat to 17% body fat