Freight House has changed my life and has made healthy living the center of it



I have been going to Freight House since June of 2018. Freight House has changed my life and has made healthy living the center of it. Prior to joining I was trying my best to eat healthy and work out. I would eat fairly well during the week but then would eat whatever I wanted on the weekends. I would also exercise at a traditional gym where there’s plenty of equipment. I would find exercise plans online or try to come up with my own plan. After a while I would get bored with going to the gym because I never pushed myself beyond the exercise movements with which I was comfortable. I would go to the gym for three days one week, then push myself to go one day the next but couldn’t find motivation to keep going the week after that.


When I joined Freight House with my friend, we started with the 6 Week Summer Slim Down Challenge. What’s great about Freight House’s challenges is that they give you structure for exercising and eating healthy in a way that is sustainable but also pushes you. The coaches are absolutely amazing. They recognize everyone where they are at in their fitness journey by finding ways to modify the exercise for someone who is just beginning or is dealing with an injury. The coaches also find ways to challenge and push people to take it to the next level. Since joining I’ve lost 62 lbs.

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