Congrats to our Shred Winners!

Their hard work, dedication and engagement with the rest of the gym earned them some free Prestige and Premier Goodies!




Life happens.  From the time I graduated college to the day I walked into FreightHouse Fitness I was 20+ years older and 50 pounds heavier.  Too many years sitting at a desk working from a computer and living a sedentary life had caught up with me hard.  Brian 3.0 began as a result of an illness, but not mine.  My family took a vacation to Washington DC and Norfolk VA in Fall of 2016. It was a last east coast hurrah before my son transferred his Navy duty station from Portsmouth Naval Hospital to TwentyNine Palms California.   Everything was fine; lots of hiking, walking, sightseeing, and touristy stuff.   We got home on Saturday, lazed around on Sunday and back to work on Monday.   My wife, Val, went to work at her new job, day 5, and all seemed ok until early afternoon.  She started to get a little light headed and dizzy so she went to urgent care to be seen.  They completed a quick exam and immediately sent her to the ER.  They thought she was having a stroke or heart attack.    Well long story short, Val left the hospital after 5 days unable to walk unless she was using a walker.  Lots of tests with more to come but no real explanation.  As time passed by, Vals condition worsened to the point where the walker wasn’t doable anymore if we left the house.  In the beginning Val was able to transfer herself from her new wheelchair to the car and back.  As her legs and lower half got weaker, the task of transferring became undoable.  It got to the point that I had to do all the lifting and it was a real struggle.  I needed to get stronger so I could help.   That’s where my journey with FreightHouse Fitness began.

It was June 2017 when I walked through the door.  My goal was to get stronger and it needed to happen fast.   Not fast because I wanted a quick fix, fast because I needed to help Val.   The gym is just a few minutes from my office so that couldn’t be an excuse not to go.  The training was exactly what I needed.  Scheduled,  planned out, instructor lead,  and the best thing was that I didn’t have to think.  Just do the work.   I think that’s why this gym works for me.   It didn’t take too long to really start seeing changes.  Slimming down, but more importantly getting stronger.  Within a month or so I was able to lift Val from wheelchair to car and car to wheelchair with one arm.  Mission accomplished!!!!!   Thanks Freighthouse

Fast forward another 20ish months and what a difference.  Today I’m 182 lbs which is 45 lbs lighter than when I started.  My body fat is down about 15%.  And there are all the things that I have done that I never would have thought:

  • Made all the friends. I am an introvert so people and relationships are hard. SO HARD. But the interaction at the gym and around the heater has made a world of difference. That and so many of us have a similar story. The Why that drives us. Everyone is so nice. They all care, they ask about you when you are away, about your family. Because we are family.

  • Knowing the names of all the new friends

  • Wearing 30 inch waste jeans and medium shirts

  • I look forward to a workout or 2 every day

  • I look forward to the 3 or 4 minutes with my new friends before the workout

  • 405 lb deadlift

  • 355 lb squat

  • Run a 6+ miles route in under an hour

  • Run a 6 minute 30 second mile. ok, it was downhill but still something I did

  • I consider myself a runner

  • I made all the friends

  • I rowed 13.1 miles in 1 hour 52 minutes

There are so many to thank for my success here because I couldn’t have done it alone.   Thank you Baylie and Sean and Corina and Jace and Susan and Eddie and Sam and Teryn and Becky and the list goes on!     There are too many to name but I will thank all of you the next time I see you.




While my transformation has only just begun, I am beyond confident that Freight House Fitness will push me to achieve my best health and body! Before joining, I was at the end of myself both mentally and physically. I had reached an apex of stress, poor eating habits, loved my nightly glass of bourbon and knew that I was too out of shape to deserve to be at any gym (because you have to look in shape to belong right?) My sister-in-law convinced me to give FHF a try and I was instantly adopted as part of this phenomenon family and community. These people care so much about you, your health, your progress and truly desire a culture of positivity and environment of fun! You can feel a vibe of togetherness and support from the minute you walk in the door. “You go girl” from fellow “Fittys” and random high fives came flying at me from everyone.

Now I pass them out at wide-eyes newbies beginning this process. I feel challenged but I don’t feel judged by my abilities. My confidence has exponentially grown and turning the clock back to that college athlete and Army girl I used to be. I jumped into the deep end from day one with the 30 Day Shred challenge. It was a regimented diet and 6 day work out plan that was meticulously planned by the coaches to reset and reinvigorate my metabolism. I look at this picture and think “I can’t wait to see how far I can go!” 22lbs down and I feel like I’m headed towards my best body and reviving the temple God gave me! If I can do this, nobody has an excuse!

Prestige Protein Waffles!!




  1. Heat your waffle iron on medium and spray with cooking spray.

  2. Mix the protein powder, egg, water, baking powder, and salt in a medium sized bowl until fully combined.

  3. Pour half of the batter in the waffle iron (for smaller waffle irons, pour less batter), and cook according to your waffle irons directions.

  4. Serve with butter and sugar free syrup.

Recipe NotesNutrition per serving: 252 calories / 8g fat / 8g carbs / 2g fiber / 36g protein 

  • You can try this with other protein powders but I cannot guarantee it will work. Prestige Protein is a high quality protein. Supports Metabolic Rate During Fat Loss. Decrease Cravings Through Satiety Signaling. Save Time and Money. Maximize Results Between Meals.

SCIENCE BEHIND PROTEIN ->  Check out this awesome video with Dr. Kashey!!