Teryn loses 11% body fat and sets a great example for her kids!
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Success Story!!
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Before I started at Freight House in March of 2017 I hadn't worked out in about 5-6 years. I always had the excuses of not enough time, too busy with my 2 toddlers, too tired, list goes on. When I realized it was something that I had to do in order not to up shorts size again for another summer I told my husband Elias, who was already a Freight House Member, that I wanted to go with him. I was sooooo nervous. I know I looked pathetic the first couple visits. I was actually embarrassed. The 3rd day I didn't even know if I'd go back. It was hard work and I was so sore but I hate failing and I wasn't going to let this get me.It was only a couple weeks in when Sean offered the 90 day challenge. I was very nervous to accept but I knew I'd have Elias doing it with me so I accepted. After about a month in I had issues with schedules and sitters, it would've been much easier to just quit but I took it very seriously, because like I said I hate failing. So I changed my daily schedules and didn't depend on sitters and dragged those kids with me everyday.In the end It was the best decision I ever made, it completely changed my lifestyle, changed my attitude, changed my body, changed my confidence, changed my strength, and my daughters got to watch me grow and be strong in their eyes. That was special to me.I lost 9.3 lbs, 11% body fat, 3 inches in my chest, 4 inches in my waist, and 3 inches in my hips! I've never had results like this, ever, and to also feel good mentally and be healthier and stronger makes it even more worth it!
Ready to make the leap?! Join us for the next 6 Week Challenge starting on Monday, October 9th!
Email us now to reserve your spot!