Blog 04: RESPECT
What is respect? How do we respect one another? How do we respect men? Did you know RESPECT by Aretha Franklin was actually written by a man. The truth is women need love and men need respect. Its our make up, its how we function.I sat and pondered over this word. How do we truly respect someone? How do we truly respect the man in our life? I was left empty, I had no clue how to truly respect my significant other. You might think that's silly but I feel it may be more common than we think. So I set out and researched "how to respect a man" It was amazing the articles I read. Its found that men need respect over love. As a woman my first natural response is to love, shower the man in my life with love and lots of it. These are all great things but what hes really needing is respect. Telling him, showing him not only at home but in public, around his friends and family. I gathered my knowledge and all I had researched and I finally felt I had the missing link. I took this info and let it absorb. This cant just be an action it has to be a true genuine feeling. I sat and thought of all the reasons I respected the man in my life. Thought how can I show him I respect him. By knowing his love language and speaking it I was showing him respect. By telling him "I respect you" was my verbal acknowledgement of him as a man and how I truly felt of him. This addition to our relationship turned it from good to amazing. We were finally understanding one another, at last! Its true guys and girls are different. We think different, we process different, we desire different things but if we can simplify it and focus on these few things we can begin living and seeing a relationship in full bloom. Things to Learn about your significant other:Whats their love language? Whats your love language? Speak your spouses love language to them daily and see how they lighten up. You will be filling their love tank and this will lead them to wanting to fill yours as well. Love, Women need love and lots of love. Finding out how your woman likes to receive love. Women if you love it when your significant other rubs your back or when they do the dishes, verbalize it. Its a cue to him that those things make you feel loved.Respect- Men need respect over love. Honoring them, letting him lead the house and being appreciative of him and his constant pursuit to make a good life for you and your family Sit him down and verbally express to him that you respect him . Every time I tell my fiance I respect him I'm on the verge of tears cause its a true heart felt feeling and he can feel that.If your in the dark as I once was, I urge you to try these things I've mentioned. Be curious, get to know what truly makes your significant other tick and respect him. Its a beautiful thing.Books that were introduced to me that I want to pass on to you.How We Love The 5 Love languages
Love and Respect
I am not an expert these are opinions and things I have learned and feel could help others. If you are in an abusive relationship please seek help.